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What are the Differences Between Wood Flooring and Wood Decking?

As we have discussed in the previous article, wood flooring is a floor made of hardwood and installed on the indoor area of houses, hotels, resorts, villas, and other residential buildings. While wood decking is a hardwood floor that is generally installed in outdoor areas such as terraces, balconies, rooftops, gardens, pool area, boat decks, bridges, docks, and so on.

Considering the differences of its placement, wood flooring and wood decking have different standard sizes. Wood decking has international standard sizes, namely the board width of 7cm, 9cm, and 12cm with a thickness of 1.9cm and the length of wooden boards from 100cm up to 400cm. While wood flooring has a thinner board thickness when compared to wood decking, which ranges from 1.5 cm to 1.8 cm.

Differ from wood flooring that is placed indoors, wooden decking that is placed outdoors must be made of wood that is absolutely hard, durable, and resistant to extreme weather. Several types of wood from Indonesian forests that are recommended for wood decking include Ulin (ironwood), Bangkirai wood, Merbau (Yellow Balau) wood and Kempas wood.

In addition to the differences in the use of wood types, the construction and installation method of wood decking is also different from the way of installing wood flooring. In general, the construction of wood flooring boards has the form of a tongue and groove connection on each opposite side. This tongue and groove jointing intended so that the installation of wood flooring can be tight and each rod of wood flooring is related to each other. While the ends of the wood decking are generally straight cuts without jointing tongue and groove because the installation is not tight. The installation between wood decking boards are usually given a distance of 3mm which is intended as a space for expansion of logs that may arise due to weather influences. The distance of 3 mm between the boards is also intended as a gap for water droplets to fall on the surface of the wood decking. Another difference is that the installation of wood flooring can be directly applied to the floor while the installation of wood decking requires wooden pads to provide space while locking the wood decking with the floor below.

Curious in which areas are wood decking usually installed? Here we present some ideas for installing wood decking locations so that your home looks more naturally beautiful with the warmth of wood.

  1. Pool Area. The area around your swimming pool will look more beautiful, fresh, and naturally warm by placing wooden decking on the surface area around of the pool. Beside adding a natural beauty, the wood decking around your pool also have functions as an anti-slip floor when you get out of the pool. You don't have to worry about slipping even if your feet are wet because the floor you are step on is wood with a rough (non-slip) surface. However, keep in mind that the wood decking that you install around the swimming pool is not Merbau wood. Why is that? Merbau wood will release reddish-brown sap when exposed to water, so your wood decking will look less beautiful because of that stains.
  2. Garden. Beside adding natural beauty, installing wood decking in your garden as a path between plants and other natural structures that decorate your garden will help you take care of the garden much easier. The elements combination of wood decking, green plants, colorful flowers, and also grass in your garden will provide a fresh, natural and even calming atmosphere to relax. Wood decking, stone, earth, water, air, sun, and plants are a harmonious blend of natural elements.
  3. Balcony and Rooftop. Installing wood decking to the balcony and rooftop area brings a natural and warm atmosphere in your residence. When the sun is sting during the day, your feet will not be burnt even though the floor is exposed to direct sunlight because of the wood decking absorbing the heat.
  4. Dock. The only suitable wood decking for the pier area is Ulin wood. Although exposed to sea water, Ulin wood decking will not be porous or rot, but the wood mass (density) of Ulin wood actually increases. In ancient times, Ulin wood was widely used by fishermen as material for fishing boats.
  5. Terrace. Granite and Marble as the icon of luxurious homes are starting to leave and slowly changing into wood. Installing wood decking on the house terrace is nowadays define the social status of the house owner. Recently, the price of a certain wood is more expensive than granite or marble. In addition to a luxurious appearance, the use of wood decking provides a natural, shady, and warm ambiance to the appearance of your home.

After knowing the difference between wood flooring and wood decking, then you can't go wrong choosing a product according to your residential needs. If you are interested to import Wood Flooring and Wood Decking manufactured in Indonesia, there are many Indonesian sourcing agents who will be professionally happy to assist you identify the reliable Wood Flooring and Wood Decking Manufacturer. Feel free to contact LUMASA for further assistances. LUMASA 24 hours support available at +62 812 2805 4565 or e-mail to [email protected]. Happy sourcing… Happy shopping!

Reference: https://www.prorumah.com/2020/03/parket-lantai-kayu-outdoor.html